2022 WBA meeting minutes
11:36 am meeting called to order
Minutes from 2021 meeting were approved
Treasurer report was read approval motion made by Jody Bigalke seconded by Erik Joost
Raffles / money events
We recounted the finals of our big bow raffle. Motion made by to have an Oneida bow as a single prize for 2022. Motion made by Aaron Wood seconded by Erik Joost, passed unanimously.
The big fish challenge money from 2021 was donated back to the challenge if added to the pot, so the big fish challenge was renewed for 2022. $500 first prize for the largest carp shot from the time of membership purchase to the weigh in of the last WBA tournament, fish must be shoot in Wisconsin. BAA fish weighing rules, certified scale, or tournament scale of other large Wisconsin tournament big fish pots are accepted. Video is necessary for entry.
Small raffles at the tournaments will stay the same as last couple years.
Money will be added the same as last year to the WBA state shoot. $1500 split through each division for a total of $3000 of added money.
Donations/ Volunteering
A bow will be donated to the AMS big 20 Challenge purchased from F and D archery, same as previous years.
A motion to buy factory second from AMS up to $500 and donated them to the Kicking bear camp to outfit their bows was made seconded and approved unanimously.
The WBA will have a booth at the Madison fish expo February 25,26,27 Volunteers are needed to man the booth throughout the weekend. Please contact Brandon Cole if you are available.
The website was touched on talking about small improvements and region rep map added.
A discussion was had about facebook and the impact of posting pictures could have.
The Team of the Year awards was handed out after the lunch break.
No changes to the TOTY, tournaments, or divisions were made.
Legislative update
We had a discussion about legislative news, nothing was overly new in Wisconsin but a run through of issues in Minnesota and the east coast were talked about.
5 tournaments for the WBA this year are as followed
Mud and Chubb April 30th
Castle rock/ Petenwell May 14th
Green bay June 4th
Mississippi 4, 5, 5a June 25th
Mississippi 8, 9, 10 August 6th
No changes were made to the President or VP positons.
Secretary/ Treasurer Positon had a step down and was filled by Cody Vollert .
Region 6 has the only change new region rep change filled by Noah Kreilkamp .
Meeting adjourned.